Theater to My Life!

Music is something that I adore; music to me is a form of expression. It describes my mood, character, and most importantly me. During this course I have learned numerous of things about how theater relates to music. Music jut like theater is an art form; you can see it, hear it, and feel it. Most of the time when I listen to music depending on my mood, I always feel the urge to dance, sing along, and bob my head to the beat and the words. Whenever I listen to music on my iPod or watch the music videos on TV/Internet, I feel a sense on connection between me and the song. I never really thought of music videos as live performance until I entered this course. Many of the music videos that I see contain a set design, lights, and costumes; which are all the same things that can be found within theater. When I see a music video the thing that really grabs my attention is the location where the video takes place and the wardrobe. Just the other day as I was watching MTV, Usher’s OMG music video had me in total awe. The video had this disco theme to it, with different colorful light flicking and beaming in different directions. The lights were not the only thing that caught my attention but how the light that beamed off of his clothes would give his jewelry and his appearance a more appealing look. Just like in theater the setting, lights, and customs all compliment each other. As with a theatrical production, the designers need to make a scene that goes along with what the artist wants to portray about a song. The clothes that the artist wears is very important too, it shows how they want to be perceived. Similar to theater, in music videos the technical director must make sure all equipment is properly hooked up and the lighting is complementary to the songs and show. The acting that is done by artists is slightly different than that of actor of theater. In music videos the artist rehearses a song and the choreography; while in a theatrical setting the actors must follow a script which is usually longer than five minutes which is the length of most music videos.
Another thing that I can relate to theater is my life. My role as a daughter, friend, best friend, cousin, sister, grand daughter, and girlfriend is something that ties closely with theater. In theater each character is assigned one or more roles and is expected to play that part, which is kind of like what I do everyday. My roles that I play differ from person to person; how I would interact with my friends is not the same way I would interact with my boyfriend or family. With my family I tend to not tell them everything whereas with my boyfriend or my best friend I do so. Just like in theater I know my different roles and I play them well.

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