Concluding Statement

I think it's safe to say that taking this course is something that I never would have thought I would have enjoyed as much as I did. During these couple weeks that I’ve spent in the course I’ve learned so many things about theater and how it has influence our society than I assumed I would. I really didn’t have high expectations entering this course but as I’m leaving now, I’m leaving with a greater knowledge about theater than I once had before. When I came into this course, I had a simple goal of just passing the course and not really having tan interest of gaining anything out of it. But as I started doing the course work I soon realized that theater was not as boring as I perceived it to be. I discovered that theater has many foundations in other areas that interested me such as to my everyday life and my community. It has been an intense semester that has involved many ups and downs for me. But, looking back on what has been completed, I am proud of the work that I have accomplished and the new experiences that I gained. Completing this course turned out to be very rewarding because I got a chance to learn about the cultural heritage and history of other countries that I never thought really impacted the world of theater. This experience has also made me value things that I have overlooked in the past. For example, Kathakali is something that originated from the cultures of India; the other day when I was in psychology 310, we were discussing about the development of children and how it varies from culture to culture. Since I remembered this from my readings I participated in the discussion and many of my classmates including the teacher were surprised at what Kathakali was because they never heard about it before. It felt good telling my psy 310 class about Kathakali, I felt so smart and I sat through the rest of the period with a big smile on my face. There have also been little bits of knowledge that are present within my conversations with other people that I was unaware that I knew. Its ironic that I am walking away from this course with more knowledge of theater and its relations than even I am aware of. I have linked many aspects of theater to movies, film directors, and music videos than I thought possible. I feel that the major turning point for me in this course was that we were required to view a live theatrical production. I had always been interested in theater, yet never really had the drive to develop that interest into a hobby or passion, however, this course required me to change that aspect of my life. I was required to get out of my comfort zone and experience something rather new and exciting. It put everything I had been learning about into action. I also noticed that I entered this course unsure of how I would do, if I would pass or fail, and worried about accomplishing my goals. I walked in basically as someone with no prior experience in theater and I feel a certain level of confidence in myself that was not present beforehand. I am happy of this change in the way I view the world aorund me now. The confidence I gained for theater also reflects other areas of my personality.This class as a whole really inspired me to appreciate theater. It was a fun and also enjoyable experience. As this course ends, I have learned so much about myself that I though I would. I learned to appreciate the beauty of the world and the different elements that it brings to help mold our society. I’ve also learned that I’m a procrastinator who waits until the last minute to get things done. Realizing this about myself will really help me change for ways and become a better individual and student. I can honestly say that i came into this course with nothing and left with so much more.

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